To the Staff at National Adoption Hotline,
The reason I decided on adoption for my son was wanting more for him. Love was the most important of the reasons. I just wanted to make sure that he would be LOVED. I knew that I could have given him all the love he needed, but that was probably all I could have given him. The parents he is with have much more and that has allowed me peace in my decision. I am glad I had support from your staff and my friends!
The reason I decided on adoption for my son was wanting more for him. Love was the most important of the reasons. I just wanted to make sure that he would be LOVED. I knew that I could have given him all the love he needed, but that was probably all I could have given him. The parents he is with have much more and that has allowed me peace in my decision. I am glad I had support from your staff and my friends!
Thank you so much for all your support and help throughout my adoption process. I didn’t know where to start until I called the National Adoption Hotline! I am so happy with the way everything turned out and am so happy I chose to contact you. It has been such an amazing experience and am so blessed to have worked with you!
Thank you so much for all your support and help throughout my adoption process. I didn’t know where to start until I called the National Adoption Hotline! I am so happy with the way everything turned out and am so happy I chose to contact you. It has been such an amazing experience and am so blessed to have worked with you!
I thank you for your help throughout this process. It is still difficult to deal with, although, I did what was right under the circumstances. I thank you for honoring our confidentiality and treating me with dignity and respect. Words cannot express the gratitude felt for your assistance… God bless!
To get your adoption questions answered right away, please call the National Adoption Hotline
at 1-800-923-6602.
at 1-800-923-6602.