Frequently Asked Questions
Can I call the adoption hotline to talk to someone about my pregnancy?
What do I say when I call or text the National Adoption Hotline?
How do I get adoption help fast?
What is open or semi-open adoption?
You can also decide on what kind of contact you wish to have in the future with your baby and their adoptive parents. Some birth mothers decide to receive email updates with photos of their child, while others want to meet up for visits or have regular phone calls after the adoption.
Why choose adoption?
No matter what you decide, you may be the main caregiver who will need to take care of your child. Being a single mom can be a sacrifice for many years to come. Some women realize the time is not right for them to become a mom, and adoption is the most practical decision they can make for their child and their future.
Are there any costs to me?
What if I go into labor and have not made an adoption plan?
How do I know whether the couple I place my baby with are good people?
What if my child is older; can I still make an adoption plan?
There are loving families seeking children of all ages and races. Just call the National Adoption Hotline at 1-800-923-6602.
What if my child has a disability or medical issue, would there be any adoptive families willing to adopt him? I don’t want him to go into the foster care system.
Just call the National Adoption Hotline at 1-800-923-6602 and receive details on how to get started. There is a home for every child.