National Adoption Hotline

Answers to All of Your Adoption Questions




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With National Adoption Hotline:

You can get your adoption questions quickly answered. We help those wanting to learn more about placing their baby or child for adoption, as well as healthcare professionals needing information for a patient or client. The National Adoption Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to answer your questions about adoption. We have trained and experienced staff available to answer your questions and offer you the referrals you may need.

Do you have questions about the adoption process?

You’ll find answers to many common questions about adoption that other pregnant women have had. You may even find answers to your questions.

Can I call the adoption hotline to talk to someone about my pregnancy?
Yes, you can call or text the National Adoption Hotline anytime to talk. You will always reach someone kind, caring, and non-judgmental ready to listen and help.
What do I say when I call or text the National Adoption Hotline?
When you call or text the National Adoption Hotline, you can talk about what is troubling you, ask questions about adoption, or just talk about what is happening with you and your feelings. Everything is private and confidential. We can answer your questions and can provide referrals you may need.
How do I get adoption help fast?
If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy or are having difficulty parenting your young child, you can contact the National Adoption Hotline by phone or text. Help is available 24/7, just call or text.
What is open or semi-open adoption?
In open adoption, you may choose the adoptive family yourself, rather than having an agency make this choice. You can view a nationwide selection of loving families who are waiting to adopt. You may also decide on the amount of contact you wish to have. Some women want letters and photos, others want visits or phone calls after the adoption, and some want no contact at all. You may choose the family that best meets your needs and those of your child, or if you prefer, we can select a family for you.
Why choose adoption?
Adoption can be one of the most loving decisions you make for your child. It takes a great deal of love and maturity to know that raising a child can be difficult and that love is not enough to provide what a child needs to thrive and grow. Even with the help of family and friends, the task can be overwhelming for many people. Often, family and friends are there at the beginning, then when times get more difficult, you are on your own.

Whatever your decision is, you are ultimately going to be the primary caregiver and the person that will need to take care of your child. This can be a sacrifice for many years to come. Some women are ready for this commitment, but some women realize the time is not right for them to become a parent. For these women, adoption is the most sensible decision they can make for their child and their future.

Are there any costs to me?
There is no cost to you as a birth parent. Adoptive parents pay for legal fees, reasonable pregnancy-related expenses, medical bills not covered by insurance, consulting, and counseling fees. If you have state or private medical insurance, the adoptive parents may be able to pay any portions unpaid by insurance, such as co-payments. Payment of living expenses can only begin after you have filled out the required forms, selected the adoptive parents, and have both agreed to go forward with an adoption plan.
What if I go into labor and have not made an adoption plan?
You can call the National Adoption Hotline at 1-800-923-6602 directly from the hospital. They can arrange to have a family available for you within hours. In most states, the adoptive family will be able to take the baby home from the hospital, avoiding foster care. This way, your baby can start bonding with their adoptive family right away. We are open for emergencies on all weekends, holidays, and throughout the night.
How do I know whether the couple I place my baby with are good people?
All adoptive families are screened and pre-qualified. A licensed social worker will do a detailed home study evaluation and visit the adoptive family’s home. This home study evaluation includes a background check, medical evaluations, financial and FBI screening. You can be assured that your baby will be raised in a loving and safe family environment. If you wish, you can speak personally to families and decide whom you feel you want to adopt and raise your child.
What if my child is older; can I still make an adoption plan?

There are loving families seeking children of all ages and races. Just call the National Adoption Hotline at 1-800-923-6602. They will work hard to find just the right family for you to interview for the adoption. You will be able to decide on the contact you wish after the placement.

What if my child has a disability or medical issue, would there be any adoptive families willing to adopt him? I don’t want him to go into the foster care system.
Yes, there are adoptive families that are prepared and trained to parent a special needs baby or child.
Just call the National Adoption Hotline at 1-800-923-6602 and receive details on how to get started. There is a home for every child.
My baby will be African American and I’d prefer to place her with a black couple. Are there any black adoptive families out there?
With infertility on the rise, more childless African American and bi-racial couples are turning to adoption to build their families. Visit African American Adoptions Online to view waiting adoptive families that are African American and bi-racial. You can read about the lifestyle of these prospective families and view their photos before speaking to them on the phone.


“I thank you for your help throughout this process. It is still difficult to deal with, although, I did what was right under the circumstances. I thank you for honoring our confidentiality and treating me with dignity and respect. Words cannot express the gratitude felt for your assistance… God bless!”


“Thank you so much for all your support and help throughout my adoption process. I didn’t know where to start until I called the National Adoption Hotline! I am so happy with the way everything turned out and am so happy I chose to contact you. It has been such an amazing experience and am so blessed to have worked with you!”


“To the Staff at National Adoption Hotline,
The reason I decided on adoption for my son was wanting more for him. Love was the most important of the reasons. I just wanted to make sure that he would be LOVED. I knew that I could have given him all the love he needed, but that was probably all I could have given him. The parents he is with have much more and that has allowed me peace in my decision. I am glad I had support from your staff and my friends!”

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